Random experiment

So… Lately, I’ve been obsessing over my far from perfect skin.

I have never quite got that glowing complexion, never felt like it’s been smooth and full and it’s always felt tight after getting out of the shower.

Like we all have, I’ve gone through a lorry load of different types of creams, serums, night and day and some have worked but, still, I’m not quite satisfied.

I randomly typed into google one day, ways to get tighter skin (don’t ask) … And something I had never even really heard of came up. Pure Wheatgerm oil. Reading into it I found many benefits, here are a few:

  • Contains Anti ageing and antioxidant properties  which help prevent fine lines and wrinkles. It preserves the texture of your skin and can help prevent against skin damage.
  • It can prevent skin problems like eczema, psoriasis and dry skin (I also bought some for my daddy).
  • Using it externally it will help to sooth an repair your skin as it is very rich in vitamin E oil which is considered very good for you skin.
  • Prevents scarring  (great for all you expectant mums)

So as you can imagine, I was straight on it. I got mine extremely cheap from a local whole foods shop. It was £4.95 or something ridiculous, so much cheaper then many creams. I’ve been using it now for almost a week now only as a nighttime fix as makeup probably won’t enjoy sitting on top of it and I can say I love it so far to the point that I have even bathed in it and now am smothering it all over my body after a shower.

ONE NEGATIVE SIDE. It doesn’t smell great and at first it feels a bit greasy. But, you get over it!

I’ll update you in a few weeks on my findings,

Natasha BinnsComment